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Business Mantra ‘Entrepreneur Dil Se’ with Mr. Mahavir Banthiya | Interview by Parag Gore

Business Mantra – Our motto is ‘Encouraging Entrepreneurship’

Let The World Know You: (Celebrate the spirit of entrepreneurship)

An entrepreneur usually starts his venture with bare minimum resources, he faces a lot of challenges while building his enterprise. Despite all the odds, with sheer hard work, intelligence, dedication & passion he overcomes all the obstacles and creates his own Brand, and carves his name in the business circle.

Bringing these established as well as budding but passionate entrepreneurs in the limelight, and creating an opportunity of networking for their growth is the main objective behind this initiative.
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In this web episode, we interact with Mr. Mahanvir Bantiya (Mahavir Prints & Diaries)
There are very few who dare to cross the bridge between dreams and reality as it calls for hard work, honesty, and rock-solid dedication. He did it because he had it in him to win. Mr. Mahavir Banthia, a printer with a flair for creating versatile and artistic diaries, has Pune rightfully looking up to him when it comes to things innovative and original.

See interview:

#BusinessMantraTalkShow #BusinessIcon #Entrepreneurs #Inspiration

Parag Gore

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