How did you start your business?
Business Started in Pandemic situation as there was no work to do in free time. I Always had a habit of trying new kind of works which are natural and genuine. This is ancestral techniques which inspired me to do some research in spare time of pandemic situations.
My Grand mother gave me a lot of knowledge in childhood only which is bunch of magics, also my husband [NCL Scientist] having educational as well as professional background helps me a lot to develop these products well. Of course I have taken references from Wagbhatt and Bhaishaj Ratnamali. All best quality of ingredients are used to develop these products such as saffron, goat milk, murchit Sessom oil.
Can you give us a brief introduction about your brand/company?
We have launched these products as Skin Solutions by Spiritual Divine Vision Kumkumadi Tailum, Hair Wash Powder, Face Wash, Face Pack, Golden Body Wash [seasonal], Baby Body Wash for Girls and Boys . All products are without preservatives so we kept it in the powder form with 6 months shelf life. These products depend on individual skin types. So needed our consultation for better results is sufficient. We always believe in result oriented products so available 24*7 for any queries.
How do you differentiate your business in the market? (USP)
We are focusing on quality rather than attractive packing or advertisement. All Govt. norms are strictly followed by us no compromise for the same. So Pricewise also very much justiciable as per market products.
How do you keep yourself updated on your business?
Ayurvedic Sector is very vast and one life is not sufficient to study all as there are various variety of researches. It Changes according to individual body and skin we kept on researching as per new techniques and market strategies and demands without damaging quality of our products and effectiveness as per customer needs.
Benefits of your services to the society?
Definitely the products give benefits to society as our products are natural & genuine you have to be patient.
What advice would you give to someone just starting their own business?
Patience is the key today instant results are required but for business its continuous process once you get results, it will get turned as a continuous process then it will not change
Nice assured harmful chemicals.