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What is the address to success?

This question I asked many coaching clients till today, clients are from different work background, some are in job, some in business, some are in profession and few are self employed.

Have different socioeconomical background, Rich , Middle class, struggler.

Irrespective of all this difference the answer which I got almost from all is “Yes”. What is your answer?

Everyone want to become Successful in life and for same doing what they are doing.

This answer makes me happy as almost 99% want to become successful, great, so lot of things happening around. These people are ready to do anything and all things to become successful.

But from the next question, conversation I get confused, most of those who want to become Successful in life are wanting it from many years but still could not achieve.

All are working hard, many years but still Success is a distant dream for all.

Why it is so?

Why people struggle to become successful having almost all the resources to become successful?

My next question comes to rescue.

It helped me to understand the right reason why success is a distant dream. Why still after many years people are struggling? Why with all resources at stock success is not possible?

The question is :

What do you mean by success to you?

How you are going to define that, you are successful in your life?

And surprise to me most do not have answer to this question. Few are having just ideas or some words :

Success for me is happiness, Success for me is satisfaction, success for me is my life enjoyment, success for me is people around me, success for me is my family is happy, success for me when my child get good education, etc………

Coaching is about asking right question to take client to specific direction to find answers.

The problem with idea is it’s ever changing if you had not defined it.

Just when I was a child, I was thinking when I grow old I will have “good amount of money”, still I want to have good amount of money and if not defined what is good amount of money I will die with wanting to have good amount of money, because good amount of money is a concept and will keep on changing.

It’s like idea to reach horizon, even you walk towards it for your entire life you will not reach, there is a great possibility that you are just moving round and round without destination. Even after such great effort, putting great energy, utilizing all the resources result is : I am not successful. I could not reach horizon.

Just imagine you have to find one garden, without having any address details, how much time you will take to find that garden?

You will never find this specific garden in your entire life, for a simple reason you don’t know where it is?

You don’t know where it is in your area, city, district, city, county, continent where?

Do it make sense to pursue unknown?

Unless and until you have an address to success, satisfaction, happiness you can’t reach them.

Unless and until you have specific address for what exactly you want, you can’t achieve, then it would be just unending comparison, competition and confusion throughout the life.

This address, means defining every that specific idea in to something which you can touch, see and feel is completely personal.

If you are still holding ideas of your success this is a time to define them, write address to your destination.

Explain your idea of success, write down all tangible things you want to own, all places you want to visit, all tangible things which you want to offer people around you. All experiences you want to take in your life.

What you would like to see around you?

This all will help you to have a specific address to your ideas.

What you are wating for? Take pen and notebook start defining and designing your success.

Ashish Bhave

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