An article on Interior Designer Pratiksha Pawar, who would shortly wear another hat. That of an entrepreneur! She is today the owner of a budding cleaning product meant for offices, establishments, commercial spaces, and homes.
Covid was bad for the world. It took so many lives and killed so many ambitions. One among them (though not a patient of Covid) was her mother, Late Mrs Meenakshi Pawar, the one person she always looked up to for affirmation and support. And why not? She became a very young single parent to her and her bro when their father, Late Mr Sonu Pawar, unexpectedly passed away. She was the sibling’s pillar of strength, standing rock-like in all their endeavours while heading a vital position in the prestigious Indian Navy.

They say time does things to people. While it gives time to recuperate, it also helps plan things with a clearer mind. Mourning her mother’s passing away, Pratiksha found time during the lockdown to plan something she had always wanted. An enterprise of her own far removed yet aligning with her current occupation as an interior designer.
Having spent over a decade designing and furnishing residential interiors that brought her stunning success, including a line-up of 80 projects in the last couple of years, she almost understands the trade like the back of her hand. Capitalizing on her knowledge of people’s needs from frequent interactions with customers and the world, she settled on cleaning products for establishments, offices, commercial spaces, or even homes.
Zuuro Ventures, her dream coming true, her own brand is slated for a grand launch on 5 October 2022 with its production unit in Mumbai. These days, she handles two babies, interior designing that’s capable enough of handling itself (automated mode, as she puts it) and the new one, as yet a foetus. And for obvious reasons, all her attention these days goes to the younger one. With a staff of 10, she’s going hammer and tongs informing the world of her products, that according to her, are among the few genuine nature-based, eco-friendly products. Besides being safe to use in any circumstance, it is equally safe for the environment.

A freelance interior designer of repute, Pratiksha’s decade-long experience saw her deal extensively with supervisors, contractors and their workers, besides the myriad supplier of materials whose numbers are always on the rise. So good has she been with delegating responsibilities within her team and circle of select specialists that she has done work as far away as Agra! Yes, she and her folks go there from time to time and get things done, though these days, she gets her work done remotely, i.e., over the phone. Now that’s the power of managing delegation- all the more challenging when you realize that interior designing involves products whose numbers readily exceed 500!
Things in the new line of business, i.e., cleaning solutions, would be quite different. She would be the full-time employer with a clutch of staff below her, both trained and otherwise going into the market to do the needful. No prices for guessing who her clients would be! Everyone, though her objective, would be commercial establishments, offices, restaurants and the kinds.
For one starting immediately after her Bachelors’s in Interior Designing from Mumbai’s prestigious Rachna Sansad in the year 2013, she is quite young for her body of achievements. With a decade of experience behind her today, she is the owner of two lines of businesses. If the past is anything to go by, the potential of her new venture to grow would be astonishing. Add to that her ability to research things that interest her.

On the subject of research, she does have someone very close who is perennially into it, though in a very different genre. Her husband, and a key pillar of support, Mr Vaibhav Morye, whose areas of interest are equities and the stock markets.
For Pratiksha, life is beyond interiors, or for that manner, even chemicals. To her, the interiors of one’s heart from where one derives motivation and the drive to succeed matter. Forever short of time, she nevertheless takes time out from her busy schedule to read extensively on matters motivational, from quotes to success stories to stories of struggle. She says it does two things to her: take away the boredom of doing the same thing day in and out and positively encourage one to face downturns and unexpected and tough situations.

In the end, and in her own words, “life boils down to three words discipline, dedication and determination”, which she says forms her success mantra. While clarity of purpose is something she values greatly, it is the three words she holds high as reasons behind one’s success. Even one element missing or not in line with the others can make the difference between being the best and the next best, with a wide margin between them. The latter, i.e., next best, is something she never wants to be!
That for you is Pratiksha Pawar, forever a fighter to whom every new challenge is exciting and worthy of more than a try!
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