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You aren’t a bad writer if you got good readers!

M. Purushoutham Content Writer

M. Purushoutham or Puru as he is known to his clients and most folks at large, is today an established name in the field of Content Writing in the Pune scenario, industrial, commercial or otherwise. Be it a website, a blog, an article or even one’s Resume, he does all these with panache and verve!

With so much happening in the field of communication, especially in the digital and electronic domain, everyone, everywhere wants to add his or her bit which invariably gets converted into words and sound-bites getting figured in prominent and accessible places. This “want” becomes all the more pertinent when it’s about survival and growth, things of immense importance to businesses and organizations, more so in the highly competitive times we live in. BUT, not all of what we communicate is what we’d like or want to communicate given our apparent handicap with the language! Bridging this gap and making English sound (and of course, mean) better is what Puru is great at. Across mediums and modes, if it’s about communication in English, he’s your best bet to get it correct, FOR THE FIRST TIME AND EVERY TIME!

His ideal clientele is the world! Right from a fresh MBA looking for a great Resume’ to a seasoned industrialist looking to re-do his Linked In account or to write about complicated products and services, everyone could use his services to make the written word sound better.

Till a decade back, Puru was in a very different field. He was selling logistics solutions! You see those big shipping containers parked on the side of roads? Well, he was part of the industry which brought these to the clients’ doorstep besides helping ship them anywhere across the world! Having been there & having done reasonably well, he found his calling in helping people express themselves better with the right words. It was in the year 2013 that he took the plunge into the sea of words, phrases and expression. And ever since, he never, ever needed to look back!

Puru believes in honesty and hard-work. His motto is: Work hard on what you can deliver. For the rest, have the guts to say no and walk away with poise and confidence. He also believes that when it’s a NO, it should be said with grace because doors that shut today just might open with bigger possibilities tomorrow. And the only reason they would open up to you is for the grace you displayed when you said NO!

A freelance content writer, Puru with his mixed upbringing and a past which has seen him explore the country at a young age, remains affable and gets along with everyone in his daily life. To an extent, the same extends to his style of working which is open, genuine, positive and warm.

He is of the opinion that in times to come, the need for English language writing services would only increase. And that’s a given seeing the way the economy is shaping up with commerce being the cornerstone for a better and progressive life. Add to this the number of support and ancillary services that are coming up including the myriad forms of digital communication domains, platforms and services. On his part, Puru is gearing up to meet these challenges by upgrading his language skills which includes extensive reading of some of the best available publications.

As for Puru’s passion, it’s a serious urge to make English sound better. There is nothing worse than badly drafted content to get him started!

He believes is being with the times and has been investing in systems besides upgrading himself with every facility designed to make his work easy and its quality better.

If it’s English which befuddles you, this man’s talent with the written word could be the perfect solution.

Parag Gore

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