Dr. (Ar.) Mrs. Anshul Pranay Gujarathi
Founder Director, ECO-SOLUTIONS
The “Eco-lady” you could call her given the work she’s done in the field from the year 2007 when she first got into the field of green certifications! That besides, she is an accomplished Architect who has seen action since 2001 and has dealt with practically all aspects in the field be it interiors, landscape or the actual designing of structures.
Dr. (Ar.) Mrs. Anshul Pranay Gujarathi
With buildings, and more so in India built around the idea of making tenements “look” cool, it’s left to people like her to take it up with the right rigours and seriousness to certify the same as being truly green. India needs it given that green buildings consume lesser resources while adding positively to the environment by using less aircon, electricity, water, and other natural resources. Indians need the certification for other reasons. Products certified as “green” have many advantages, including releasing lesser pollutants, and in some cases being more durable than the others.
Going Green she did with a Masters in Environmental Architecture a decade back when the concept first came to India. Today an IGBC Fellow, AP, LEED AP and Griha specialist, she has certified over 342+ projects for their green-worthiness and has also been instrumental in developing the entire methodology that goes into certifying buildings as GREEN. Right from filing the right set of forms and documents for certification, advising on passive and active strategies, to guiding on ways to incorporate innovative and novel green ideas at the very inception to make buildings truly green, she helps with them all. Graced with MULTIPLE AWARDS at various levels, for her the project certificates and references from happy clients are the best reward that she has cherished over the years.

For Ar Anshul, it all started with a B Arch from Mumbai’s famed J.J School of Arts. Things then weren’t easy for her right from the time she entered college. An accident in the family had her torn between staying back at Aurangabad and studying in Mumbai. Add to that the financial crunch it presented. A doughty Gujju she proved to herself when while studying she took up myriad projects from learning photography, working under an architect, creating and distributing Ganapatis, and many such ventures. So good was she at whatever she did that by the time she got her degree in architecture, she was already a hard-boiled architect with more than her share of hands-on experience in the line. It didn’t end there! Her experiences brought her respect, accolades, and of course, money! The last she proudly proclaims, she spent with aplomb on her marriage!

In time, marriage and children came along. In Pranay Gujarathi she found her perfect soul-mate, who she says has always complimented her. A stickler for systematic working, planning, and everything organized, he is her mirror opposite when it’s about finance, taxation, and things legal. She has only him to thank for having groomed her on the unseen aspects of taxes, GST, and ways to deal with CAs and myriad other bodies. As for her children Arnav, 18, a budding computer engineer earning his spurs from the famed BITS Pilani, and Pranali, 12, a sincere 7th grader, dote on her, and in her own words, ARE PROUD OF HER. They have obvious reasons to be, given what she has gone through to be what she is today. Travel is something the Gujju foursome love and they wish to step into every land when time & conditions permit. In parts, she attributes her success to the strong support displayed by her family, her in-laws and some really close relations.
Extremely happy and content with her forte and profession of eco-certifications of buildings, she surmises that the best thing about it is that it helps continue the family tradition of questioning and never remaining satisfied without challenging the existing! From a family of lawyers, what she finds best about her work today is that it lets her ask questions, besides probing for the right answers for a common good which incidentally includes never paying or favouring for anything ethical.
Why should a thing be built in a certain manner? What could be the best raw material to get the best output while keeping the environment safe? How does cost affect the ecology? These and other questions are what she puts forth to applicants, while also explaining ways to make the world ecologically safe – while keeping things economical.
Economics, the other thing she finds most satisfying about her work helps her explain things, including savings in exact quantitative terms, be it of money, material, or even Mother Earth. These days, her services are called for irrespective of structures, from a bungalow to a large project or even sky-scrapers!

Exteriors, interiors, or even landscaping, she has Eco-Solutions for everyone- while saving the environment in sizable terms but never, ever compromising on quality or aesthetics.
With India on the cusp of a building boom, green certifications and eco-constructions aren’t simply words but considerations that are sure to keep Anshul occupied for a long, long time. That said, her aim for the future includes helping and employing women in increasing numbers in her line of activity given that it doesn’t involve too much physical labour or moving about.

A firm believer in creating happy workspaces, she isn’t one for the corporate 9 to 5 setup and believes in making and maintaining relations. It has seen women employed with her learning and earning their way to a better life, be it with her or at other places. Eco Solutions is thus a strong team that believes in accommodating work with ease and happiness.
Quiz her on her plans and she shocks with her reply! She never plans for the future. Work well in the present, she says, and the future falls in place all by itself. In some ways that could be the reason behind her taking up the study of occult sciences with gusto during the pandemic. She finds it an interesting subject that, according to her, needs its share of dedicated research.
+91 9850055791
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