Nikita Vora
Social Media Marketer
Nikita Vora’s project to teach Social Media Marketing to 10000 (ten thousand) women entrepreneurs!
What do most folks do when the going gets tough? They work… HARD.
And what does Nikita Nirav Vora do? She works SMMART
On a different note, she does manage to make SMM look very Smart, and an Art!
An avid advocate, teacher, and poster-girl of social media marketing and everything digital, to her, anything that’s repetitive and with little application of the mind ought to be automated right then and there. If something remains, it ought to be outsourced. What remains, in the end, is then worth managing with one’s scarce time and patience. If this seems far-fetched, read her book, “Digital Marketing for Women Entrepreneurs” to get the right ideas.

It all began in an affluent Gujarati family of Jamnagar. Her father and his brothers did what was expected of most Gujaratis. Business, in areas as diverse as chemicals and tea. It’s here in their company that she developed two things early in life. An understanding that enterprise is what she wanted to do. And a passion for succeeding that made sitting around, moping, brooding, and the likes alien to her persona.
Ever the marketer, she burnished her MBA with another Degree from Germany in 2011. Back home it’s been SMMing all the way, given her vow to help 10,000 women entrepreneurs become SMM and digitally literate to market their products to the right audience and grow their business.
Listening to her speak at length about social media, its uses, and ways to make it truly useful, which incidentally she has codified into a book called “Digital Marketing for Women Entrepreneurs“, there are those who think she is bookish. That’s till she tells you of all her past. During college, she did business without ever moving out. Even then, with social media being rudimentary, she used it to get leads, customers, and most of all, higher sales compared to others who went out but got nothing. And even in those times, she tried and got things automated and outsourced. The solid, backbone-like support of her family, in-laws and husband Nirav Vora, has been instrumental in Nikita’s growth and success.

For over a decade now, Nikita Vora has been coaching entrepreneurs, be they women or small enterprises to make the most of social media marketing, platforms, tools, and apps so that for a small price, they get substantial benefits, including higher lead generation, better market penetration, customer recall and of course, higher sales. Quiz her on who could be her ideal clients and her reply after a minute’s contemplation is, women entrepreneurs aged between 28 to 40 with 3 to 4 years of experience, preferably those who have failed multiple times in digital marketing, and who for want of time, want to automate things but don’t know how and where. That said, it isn’t simply this category that looks up to her for help in Smming. Her list of those she has helped as a consultant includes small and even medium-sized enterprises. The common thread in all these remains a burning urge to do well with social media marketing and a lack of knowledge on how to go about it.

With her aim to help over 10000 women entrepreneurs, it’s understood that she had seen her share of situations and reversals despite her best efforts. Among these, she lists people’s, especially women’s, complete lack of knowledge of digital media platforms. Then, women entrepreneurs’ mindset who, without investing, want returns fast and early. Next comes indecision among women entrepreneurs. A husband, father or brother HAS to be consulted on matters that they, the entrepreneur ought to take decisions on. These besides, women entrepreneurs’ ill-conceived sense of priority add to the problem where at the most decisive moment, they turn their back to the business and concentrate on helping a brother, a neighbour, a friend, or the likes.
To all these, she has some pieces of advice (and not her success mantra). Get serious about your business because it’s none of the world’s business, and they won’t care if you fail. Second, never shirk from deciding. You can’t get away all the time without making a decision. In fact, be ready to make decisions. That way, you shall be prepared with the right option instead of searching frenetically and taking the wrong decision. Third, a business will always have challenges. If you can automate them, please do. If not, face them squarely.
In a very happy space today, Nikita says one of the boons of social media is that it lets you automate routine, often boring though essential things that otherwise don’t need the application of mind. Sending automated messages, creating automated lists etc. are activities she prefers to automate so that her “lazy” self can concentrate on creative pursuits that set the cash registers ringing. The latter could include creating the right content for her book and giving the right set of advice to her students.

Her success mantra for everyone who would care to listen to her is a relatively simple “Don’t be a fool. Instead, use a tool. Where you can automate, automate, and automate. If need be, outsource, outsource, and outsource!”
That’s Nikita Vora for you, a mixed bag who’s restless as also lazy…all at the same time!
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